Sunday, October 25, 2009

Superhero Powers

So today my family and I attend my friend Marlene's son, Ben's 2nd birthday party.  Wow, I can't believe he is 2 already!  Lately Ben is all Savannah can talk about - I think she might have a little crush on him, which is understandable because he is insanely cute!

When I was thinking about what we were going to give Ben for his birthday, I knew it had to be something special.  Marlene is one of my closest friends and I have a soft spot in my heart for her little guy.

So in thinking about his gift, I remembered back to this conversation my Mom and I had a few weeks ago when she was in town for Matilda's baptism - she had mentioned how she saw a little boy in the airport with a cute cape that his Mom had made for him and how proud he was of his cape.  And I thought, "ah ha" - that's what I'll make Ben for his birthday - a super-hero cape, or better yet, a super Ben cape!!

Every toddler needs a super-hero cape, right?  A cape that makes them feel that they can conquer the world, that they have the power to make all of their dreams come true, and that no matter what direction life takes, they can face it head on.

Sometimes I feel like we as adults need super-hero capes too.  I bet I'd look pretty silly running around town in my "Super Lindsay" cape, but I know it would make me feel invincible.   So the next time you are going through a difficult time or feel like you just can't face the world, picture yourself with your own super-hero cape on, think like a toddler and know that you have the super-powers to make it through anything life might throw your way!!

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