Monday, October 26, 2009

Motivated Moms

Do have trouble accomplishing everything that needs to get done around your house?  I know, I do.  With trying to balance raising two young children (4 months & 20 months), cooking, cleaning, sewing,'s hard to make sure it all gets done.

I found this wonderful website called Motivated Moms ( ).  On this site you can find a daily checklist of chores to make sure that you get all of your homekeeping accomplished and still have time for you.  It is very important to me to keep up with my hobbies, but yet not neglect what needs to get done with our home.  Now I cannot say that I accomplish everything on the daily checklist, but it's a great outline for the things that I want to get done each day.

I love being able to check things off of a list, don't you?  There's something so satisfying about seeing what you've accomplished for the day in writing.  So if you find yourself puzzled with how or what to get done on a daily basis in regards to homekeeping, head over to Motivated Moms and get yourself the daily chore list.

Click on this link to see a sample of a weekly checklist ( )
Cottage Mama's Note:
*Right now the 2010 planners are up, but you can still get the last couple months of 2009 as well.

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