Saturday, October 24, 2009

Morning Glory Waffles

I love the weekend!  There's just something so calming and relaxing about the weekend.  Maybe it's knowing there are two hands to help out with the kiddos or knowing that we can hang out in our PJ's until lunch time.    I especially love today because my amazing husband let me sleep in (which neither of us get to do very often anymore) and when I woke up he had homemade waffles, fresh squeezed grapefruit juice and Intelligentsia coffee waiting for me.

Several blog posts ago I wrote about The Five Love Languages , which actually prompted my husband to ask me to set the book out so he could read it on the train to work this past week.  Wow, I thought - that wasn't the intention of my blog post, but I'll take it.  He asked me what my love languages were, and I said my primary language was "Words of Affirmation" and my secondary language was "Acts of Service."  So he took the book and read it this week.  

This has opened up a wonderful dialogue for us in making sure that we are constantly working on our relationship.  With two young children, it is hard for us to make time for each other, but yet we know it needs to be one of our top priorities.  I don't believe a good marriage just happens.  I believe it is a constant work in progress and as long as two people are committed to the main goal (making sure your mate feels loved, adored, and appreciated at all times), that is when true marital happiness is achieved.

So, why do I bring up The Five Love Languages again?  Because this morning, when I woke up and my husband had a smile on his face, my girls were happy and taken care of, and he had prepared me such a thoughtful breakfast, I felt truly loved.  Brett had spoken one of my languages - "Acts of Service" and I heard LOVE loud and clear without him needing to say a word.
Here's Brett's recipe:

Morning Glory Waffles

Zest of 1 grapefruit
1 handful of dried cranberries

Follow the bisquick box for making waffles.  Then add the zest of one grapefruit and one handful of cranberries.  Cook according to your waffle-irons directions.  Serve with warm maple syrup.

Cottage Dada's Note:  
*Brett wanted me to remind you (in case you didn't know) that when zesting citrus, make sure you only zest the colored rind of the fruit and don't use any of the white pith.  
*Juice the remaining grapefruit for delicious fresh juice!

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