Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cinnamon Apples & Halloween Playgroup

Blog Contributor:  Jane (Cottage Mama's Mama)

My Mom and I have VERY similar taste - in just about everything - food, clothes, music, jewelry, ect.  A lot of my interests and hobbies were set into motion by her while I was growing up.  I may not have showed a ton of interest in sewing, crafting, and cooking as a high schooler (I was too busy singing and dancing), but I know she definitely has had a huge influence on the woman I am today.

My Mom used to make us the most amazing costumes for Halloween.  Some of my favorites were Daisy Duck, a Fat Clown, a Bird, a Bunny, Comedy & Tragedy, and many more.  She would spend so much time on our costumes and I always felt SO special at school wearing something that my Mama had made for me.  I think that is why I feel it is so important for me to personally make my children's costumes.  Even as young as Savannah is, I want her to look back and know that I wanted to take the time to make her a very special costume for my very special girl.

On Tuesday we attended our Halloween playgroup get together and my friend Danica ( ) took these pictures.  Though, I'm sure she will die that I posted the one of Savannah since it's blurry (she's such a perfectionist), but she's an amazing photographer, so pay no attention to the blurriness.  Here's a little glimpse of my sweet Savannah in her Halloween costume that I made for her (she's eating in this picture, of course :-):

And here's my little penguin Matilda - I did not make her costume this year - she's only 3.5 months and not really ready for a  "real" costume yet (but cute nevertheless):

And here's the group shot:

So back to my Mom.......when she sent me this recipe today (that my Grandpa Bill sent her) and she said it was awesome, I just knew I had to share it with you all.  So, I haven't personally tried it, but at have the utmost confidence in my Mom's taste, so here goes:

Grandpa Bill's Cinnamon Apples
¼ cup butter
4 large or 5 medium tart apples, peeled and sliced ¼ inch thick
¾ cup water
1 T cornstarch
½ cup brown sugar
1 T cinnamon
  • Melt butter over medium heat in large skillet. 
  • Sauté apples 6-8 minutes until tender. 
  • Dissolve cornstarch in water and add to apples. Stir in brown sugar and cinnamon and cook until thickened.  Simmer 2-3 minutes.
  • Serve over ice cream for dessert and/or waffles in the morning!

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