Monday, November 16, 2009

Thanksgiving 101: Mashed Potatoes

The next topic on my Thanksgiving 101 series:  Mashed Potatoes.  Now I seriously don't believe it would be a REAL thanksgiving dinner without mashed potatoes.  Next to turkey and stuffing, mashed potatoes are an absolute must!  

When it comes to mashed potatoes on Thanksgivng I am a purist.  Don't get me wrong, I love garlic mashed potatoes, loaded mashed potatoes, chive mashed potatoes and the list goes on, but on Thanksgiving, I believe, the simpler the better.  

One of my absolute musts for classic mashed potatoes is using Yukon Gold potatoes.  If you have never tried using Gold potatoes, you are really missing out.  You just cannot even compare the taste to your basic russet - Golds are in a league of their own (in my opinion).  They have a naturally buttery taste, are a beautiful yellow/gold color, and have a really thin skin (for those of you that like to keep the skins on your potatoes - these are perfect!).  

So today I would like to share an amazingly delicious recipe for classic mashed potatoes that comes from The Pioneer Woman Cooks.  This recipe is great because you can prepare it several days in advance.  If you have ever hosted a big Thanksgiving before, you know that "do ahead" recipes are a Godsend when trying to get all of your courses prepared and ready to serve at the same time.  Give this recipe a try this and believe me, you will be in complete mashed potato heaven!!

Creamy Classic Mashed Potatoes
  • 5 pounds Yukon Gold Potatoes
  • ¾ cups Butter
  • 1 package (8 Oz.) Cream Cheese, Softened
  • ½ cups (to 3/4 cups) Half-and-Half
  • ½ teaspoons (to 1 Teaspoon) Lawry's Seasoned Salt
  • ½ teaspoons (to 1 Teaspoon) Black Pepper
Preparation Instructions
Peel and cut the potatoes into pieces that are generally the same size. Bring a large pot of water to a simmer and add the potatoes. Bring to a boil and cook for 30 to 35 minutes. When they’re cooked through, the fork should easily slide into the potatoes with no resistance, and the potatoes should almost, but not totally, fall apart.
Drain the potatoes in a large colander. When the potatoes have finished draining, place them back into the dry pot and put the pot on the stove. Mash the potatoes over low heat, allowing all the steam to escape, before adding in all the other ingredients.
Turn off the stove and add 1 ½ sticks of butter, an 8-ounce package of cream cheese and about ½ cup of half-and-half. Mash, mash, mash! Next, add about ½ teaspoon of Lawry’s Seasoning Salt and ½ a teaspoon of black pepper.
Stir well and place in a medium-sized baking dish. Throw a few pats of butter over the top of the potatoes and place them in a 350-degree oven and heat until butter is melted and potatoes are warmed through.
Note: When making this dish a day or two in advance, take it out of the fridge about 2 to 3 hours before serving time. Bake in a 350-degree oven for about 20 to 30 minutes or until warmed through.

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