Sunday, November 22, 2009

Busy, Busy

So this was one of the last free weekends my family has between now and Christmas.  Not that I mind, I quite enjoy all the holiday festivities.  But you would think that knowing this is one of our last leisurely weekends, that I would take it easy and relax, but nope, not me......not this busy bee.

So here's what I've been up to.  I decided on Saturday that I wanted to go ahead and put up our Christmas decorations.  We are not hosting Thanksgiving this year (we are heading to my in-laws), so I figured, why not get a jump start?  I love Christmas and the earlier I get my decorations up, the longer I have to enjoy them.  Ok, so maybe putting up Christmas decor. this early is against your religion, but I have such a warm feeling when Christmas is surrounding me that I decided there was nothing wrong with going ahead.  So my hubby, Brett, decided to jump on the bandwagon and put the lights up on the house last night as well.  I think this is the first year he has not had to put them up in the snow.  But no worries......we won't be turning them on until after Thanksgiving.

Some of my Christmas decorations - don't they just put you in the holiday spirit?

My little reindeer, Matilda, helped me decorate while her Daddy and big sister were playing at the park.

Today, Sunday, I met up with a girlfriend for lunch (minus our kiddos, which is a real luxury these days) and then headed to my local Goodwill.  You've seen my posts on the amazing things you can find at Goodwill and today I was on a creative mission.  These are the things that I found at my Goodwill for under $20 (picture below).  I have some awesome crafting ideas for all of these things - I can't wait to get started. But you'll have to wait until I get my craft on to see what I've come up with!!  Let's just say these sweaters won't look the same the next time you see them :-).

  My Goodwill Finds (Fabric, Mason Jars, 100% Wool Sweaters)

Ok, well I'll be back later this evening or tomorrow with a Christmas Wreath tutorial that I think you will really enjoy.  Until then..........enjoy your Sunday!!

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