Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I love Thanksgiving.  It is the holiday that gives me the most reflection over the past year.  You would think New Year's might be that day for me, but really I use New Year's to look at the year ahead.  So, thinking towards tomorrow (Thanksgiving), my heart just wants to explode for all the things I am thankful for - I have been truly blessed.  I know I cannot list them all, but here are just a handful:

I am thankful for........

1)  The birth of my daughter Matilda Jane.  She is a true blessing from God.  She lights up my life and is such a sweet, happy baby.  I can't help but feel that my Grandma Marge lives on through our little Matilda.  She was conceived near the time of my Grandmother's passing and when I look into my sweet Matilda's eyes, I often see my Grandma Marge's grace and beauty staring back at me.

2)  For my daughter Savannah Rose.  She brings joy to me everyday and helps me not take life so seriously.  She has taught me to dance, laugh, read, sing and twirl everyday!  God bless you, Savannah Rose!!

3) For my husband Brett.  The most patient, kind, understanding, hardworking, creative, fun, talented, helpful husband and father any girls could ever ask for!

4) For my mother, my best girlfriend of all.  Though we may live far apart, our hearts are always near.  She knows exactly what to say (or what I need to hear) in any situation.

5) For my father, who we will spend Christmas Eve with this year.  It's been 5 years since we've been together at Christmas (too long!) - can't wait to bring back some of our holiday traditions.

6) For my in-laws, who are the best in-laws a daughter-in-law could ever ask for.  They are kind and generous, never asking for anything in return.  And they have the kind of marriage I can only hope Brett and I will have when we have been married 30 years from now.

7) For my "Mommy" friends.  For whom make being a Mommy that much more fun!  I don't know how I would have made it through Savannah's first year without the support of these amazing ladies.

8) And for God.  Who has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.......I am eternally grateful!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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