Monday, November 9, 2009

Grandma Marge's Hominy Casserole

Today I have been busy thinking about our big party that we are throwing this weekend.  We are so excited and can't wait to see all of our friends!  My husband and I call our gathering "The Feast".  This is our fifth year and I guess you could say it's kind of a tradition now - it's a party our friends come to expect and look forward to, as do we.

We call it "The Feast" because we generally grill a REALLY large piece of meat (picture a whole turkey, a ham or different huge roasts), my husband home-brews a bunch of beer (he is an excellent homebrewer, if I may brag), we have a bonefire outside with smores, and everyone brings a dish to share (dessert, side-dish, appetizer, ect.).  Which brings me to the point of my blog post: I was scanning through my recipes that I have stored on my computer and thought this would be a great dish to make for a party!  It's slightly different with the use of hominy, yet still mainstream enough that the majority of the guests would enjoy it.

So if you are looking for a dish to take to a pot-luck that is not your basic old standby - give my Grandma Marge's Hominy Casserole a try.  My Grandma would have been "oh so flattered!"

Grandma Marge’s Hominy Casserole

4 cans (15 ounce each) drained white hominy
1 Tablespoon olive oil
3 cans cream of mushroom soup
1 large container sour cream
1 large onion sliced
3 cloves garlic minced
1 cup chopped green chile or more (depending on your taste)
Grated Monterey jack and cheddar cheese

Sauté onion and garlic in oil until tender crisp. Add soup and simmer 15 minutes. Add hominy, sour cream and green chile.  Pour in casserole dish and top liberally with cheese. Sprinkle with paprika and bake at 350 degrees until bubbly!  30-45 minutes. Serves 8.

Cottage Mama's Note:  Chopped ham or fajita chicken might be good to addition for a main dish casserole.

PS:  Picture above is from our feast several years ago!

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