Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Little Girls Kitchen Apron Tutorial

My daughter, Savannah Rose, received a darling little kitchen for Christmas this year from her Gigi and Grumpy (my husbands parents).  But what kitchen would be complete without a cute little apron to wear while you are cooking?  I decided I had to make my little lady an apron to match her new favorite toy.  Here is the "how to" for my version of a Little Girls Apron:

Little Girl's Apron Tutorial
-1/4 yard for main apron (or two fat-quarters would work)
-1/4 yard of contrasting colors for flower detail
-1/6 yard for sash
Rotary Cutter, Ruler and Mat
Serger (not a must, but nice if you have one)
Sewing Machine
Straight Pins


Cut one yard of fabric in half.

Then cut that half yard in half - thus giving yourself 1/4 of a yard.

Place right sides together.

Serge (or sew) three of the sides together - 1/2 inch seam allowance.

Once you have sewn on three sides, turn main apron right-side out and press.

Now it's time to cut the sash.  I just used the width of my cutting ruler to make it easy.

Now lay the right side of the sash and the right side of the apron together.  Sew - 1/2 inch seam allowance across the top of the apron.

Now, use your iron and press a 1/2 inch fold on both sides of the sash.

Fold over and stitch the sash together (1/4 inch seam allowance).  This will catch the front and the back of the sash over the main apron.

Finish the edges of the sash by either serging or using a zig-zag stitch on your sewing machine.

Here is the main apron with the attached sash.  Now it's time for the fun part!!

Cut 2 strips of fabric (1 of each fabric) about 2 inches wide. Then cut each strip in half, giving you 4 strips of fabric (2 of each fabric).

Press your 4 strips of fabric.  Then finish the edges of the fabric by either serging or zig-zag stitch around the entire perimeter.

Here are your completed, serged strips of fabric.

Now to gather your fabric to make your flower design, set you sewing machine on its basic straight stitch, but make it as long as possible.  Do not back-stitch at the beginning or the end.  Stitch the entire length of the fabric strip down the middle and then pull one end of the thread to gather.

Now this is where you get creative.  Place your gathered strips of fabric in any formation you choose.  I chose to do a flower, but you could just do straight ruffles - whatever you like.  Pin your design in place and stitch down the center of each strip (this time make sure you back-stitch) to hold your design in place.

And there you have it - a cutie little apron for your little lady.  That's my little Savannah on the phone (for some reason she keeps calling Santa - I think she wants him to come back...."Hello, Santa?.....where are you?")

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