Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Oh So Girly

Michelle over at Someday Crafts had a wonderful post about the shop "Oh So Girly" and I really think you must head over to her shop and check it out.  "Oh So Girly" sells adorable bows and hair-clips, watch faces with beautiful braclets, diaper keeps and crayon rolls for AMAZINGLY low prices - not to mention low shipping costs.

If you are looking to purchase something for an upcoming baby shower, a diaper keeper would be a wonderful gift and at only $5.00 - you can't really beat it!  Here are some pictures of some other items for sale from "Oh So Girly":

Brown & Pink Bow - $1.00

Pink Hair Clip Set - $1.00

Diaper Keeper - $5.00

  Crayon Roll - $8.00

Interchangeable Watch Face with Beaded Band - $12.00

Cottage Mama's Note: Michelle at Someday Crafts is doing a giveaway for "Oh So Girly" so if you would like the chance to win some goodies, head over to Michelle's blog and check it out!!

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