Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Best Soap & Cleaning Product EVER!

Have you heard of Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap?  Well I had heard of it and seen it in our local Trader Joe's, but I hadn't really paid much attention to it.  Lately, I have been trying to get my family "back to basics" by trying to eat more organic food as well as incorporating more earth friendly products into our daily lives.

So yesterday I was at Trader Joe's and thought "I'm going to give this Castile Soap at try."  And boy am I glad I did - it is AWESOME!!  This one bottle of soap can tackle 18 different tasks and has the most amazing peppermint scent ever.  The soaps are biodegradable and vegetable-based and are made with certified fair trade and organic oils. 

Today I used it to clean my entire house.  I used 16oz of water with about 1 teaspoon of the soap and went to town.  I cleaned my furniture, my floors, my countertops, my sink, and the list goes on.  And what's even better -  I didn't even barely use 1/30th of the bottle!!  My house has never felt cleaner and I feel really good knowing that the soap I used is 100% safe for my two little girls (both under age 2).

According to the Dr. Bronner's website you can use this soap as a body wash, shampoo, facial cleanser, toothpaste, mouth wash, laundry detergent, dish-washing detergent, on babies to cure cradle cap, and again, the list goes on and on.

So if you are interested in switching cleaning products to something that is safer for you and our environment, I highly recommend Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap.  Try it - you won't be sorry!!  Click here to find out more information.

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