Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What to do with ALL those Christmas cards?

Over the last month I have certainly enjoyed all of the wonderful Christmas cards we have received in the mail from our friends and family.  It's so nice to see what everyone has been up to and how the little ones have grown.  But now that Christmas is over, what do we do with ALL of those holiday cards?

Well, you could recycle them, that would be one option.  Lately I have really been into repurposing items, so rather than get rid of your cards, why not turn them into something useful?  Why not turn them into gift tags for next year?!  That's what I did!

My Grandma Peggy had given me this idea several years ago, but I have finally decided to put it into action.  Thanks Grandma!!  All you have to do is gather up all the holiday cards you have received (personally I don't cut up the ones with family pictures - those are still on the fridge for display).  Cut out whatever shape you like (circles, squares, hearts, tag shape) out of your cards, punch a whole in your shape, thread a ribbon through and presto - you have your gift tags for next year!

Completed Gift Tags

I love not being wasteful and this is a great way to use up all of those beautiful cards.  And better yet, when you are doing your holiday gift wrapping next year, you can look at the tags and think of your loving friends and family.

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