Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ribbon and Mini Pegs

I got a quote for a laminate desktop and it was more than I hoped so I'm considering other options. It's a pretty decent length (2.7 metres) so it will have to be pretty sturdy. I am only planning on choosing something white so it probably doesn't matter too much what material I choose but I'll already have timber on the floor so I think I'd prefer to steer away from that.

I also have to buy something for the shelves, which will be a little shorter (1.8 metres to allow for a cupboard on one side) but that should just be a matter of a trip to bunnings. That's a job for this weekend if I have time in between cleaning out the garage and working out where we are going to store everything while the house has plaster dust whirling around everywhere.

On the upside, I've found a whole lot more inspiration including a cute way to keep ribbon handy (see below). I also fell in love with the idea to drape a line from one end of the desk to the other and use mini pegs to pin photographs and other juicy tidbits of inspiration to - so I am the chuffed new owner of 60 mini pegs. Thank you ebay.

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