Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Fun Little Contest and a Giveaway from Me to You!

So as you know, I am due with my third child, a baby boy, on September 6th.  Right now I am scheduled to have a repeat c-section on that day.  I had a regular delivery with my oldest, Savannah, and then an emergency c-section with Matilda due to her heart rate dipping and her face front presentation.

If I go into labor naturally prior to September 6th, I will attempt a VBAC (assuming everything looks good).  If not, we'll play it safe with our scheduled c-section. Things are kind of up in the air.  But I thought it might be fun to do a little guessing game with you guys if you feel like playing along.

Here I am at almost 39 weeks with my enormous belly.  I can't tell you how many people have asked if I am carrying twins.  Nope, only one baby in there and I always carry really far out in front.  My oldest daughter was born five days LATE with an induction due to preeclampsia and PUPPS.  She weighed 7 lbs. 15oz. and was 21 inches long.  Matilda was also a preeclampsia induction, but five days EARLY and weighed 7 lbs. 12oz and was 20.5 inches long.  So far with this pregnancy no signs of preeclampsia at all!

So I've let you know about my previous deliveries to give you a basis for your entry into the contest.  Here's how it will go.  Leave me one comment and let me know 3 things:
1) How much you think baby boy is going to weigh?
2) How long will he be? and for the tie-breaker........
3) What day and time you think he will be born (hour and minutes, please)? 

So I will pick the winner based on the person who gets the weight or closest too it, but if we have two people who picked the same weight, then I will use the length and if we still have a tie then I will use the date and time as the tie breaker.  Sound good?

Want to know what you are playing for........here's the prize - I'm going to let you choose two yards of fabric from my personal collection.  You can choose two full yards of one print, a yard each of two different prints, or a half yard each of four different prints.  I'll leave it up to you.  But these are all 100% designer cotton fabric and some of this fabric can be a little difficult to find lately.

Here are your choices:

These are all fabrics that I currently own by the bolt.  I may be selling some of this yardage off in the near future if I don't need it all for the shop......we'll see.  So if you aren't following along on Facebook, it might be a good idea to head over and join us to find out the latest from The Cottage Mama (click HERE to visit the facebook fan page).

**PLEASE NOTE: This contest is for The Cottage Home blog readers ONLY.  Why?  Because I love you guys and want this opportunity to be just for you.  You MUST be a follower, feed subscriber or email subscriber to enter.  If not, feel free to become a follower or subscriber and enter to win!**

And one last thing, I am writing this post on Sunday, August 28th and am pre-scheduling this post.  So who knows..........have I already had baby boy?  Probably not, but you never know!

Decorative Wall Fabrics of House Interior Design

Walls are no longer limited to paint or wallpaper. There are a number of different types of techniques and designs that can be used to jazz up the wall of any room in the house. One that top designers often choose to use is adding decorative wall fabrics of home interior design. Creating fabric wall panels is a quick and easy way to add color and design to an empty wall. Little or no design expertise is required to create perfect panels. Panels can be easily removed, recovered and replaced for a change in color or decor.
Sitting Area with Wall Fabric Panel
Patterned Bedroom Wall Fabric
Golden Wall Fabric Color
Luxurious Soft Wall Fabric Decor
Wall Fabric beside the Window

Modern interior design ideas and home interior design ideas

Modern interior design ideas and home interior design ideas. When it comes to modern interior design ideas, how can you find the perfect design ideas and styles that you are looking for? Whether it is for your office, home, bedroom, or living room, finding the best modern styles is very important.

As you know, there are many various types of modern interior design ideas and home interior design ideas you can choose from: modern, traditional, African, Japanese, cozy, and much more. So how can you find the best interior design ideas, if modern is the theme you have in mind?

How to Find Your Favorite Modern Interior Designs Photos?
When it comes to design photos and styles, the Internet is your best and easiest source to find many various ideas. When you do an easy search in Google, you will be surprised how many free photo galleries you can find online showing your favorite home or office design ideas.

So you can find the perfect way you would like to decorate your home or office based of these creative interior design photos. You can even print them out if you want, to help you remember and follow the exact interior style easily.

Main Parts of Your Interior Design
Every interior decoration has 3 major parts: lighting, wallpapers and floors, and your furniture.

So when you'd like to create a modern and contemporary look and feel in your house or office, you certainly want to make sure the colors and furniture you choose has a modern look and feel.

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modern interior decorating ideas

Monday, August 29, 2011

Baby Boy's Room: A Nautical Nursery

One week and counting until our little bundle is scheduled to arrive!  I thought I would share some pictures of the nautical themed nursery that we've put together for our special little guy.

My husband, Brett, painted the room.  Surprisingly, he let both girls help for about 10 minutes.  That was enough time for them to get covered in navy blue paint from head to toe - he is a brave, brave man (and a super-wonderful daddy).  Brett had already put up the chair-rail and crown molding when we did the girls nursery, but he painted the navy blue and tan that I picked out from Home Depot.  Both paint colors are Behr and they are in satin finish.

This room has always been our nursery, but it's taken on a whole new look now.  No more pastel pink and green, we've moved onto navy blue, tan and red.  I definitely think it shouts "boy"!  All of this furniture was already in the room from the girls and I'm really happy that we went with a honey colored wood because it works just right for a boy or a girl.

We had this little round table in the nursery before, but I just changed out the overlay.  I sewed a large square of fabric from Riley Blake's "All-Star" fabric line and kept the cream colored tablecloth that was already on the table.

I've always loved our glider.  I just love rocking and gliding with little ones.  Occasionally I still take one of the girls in this room when they need some mommy cuddle time.  Both of them still love the soothing motion of the glider.  If you are debating on whether or not you might want one for your nursery, go ahead and get it, it's well worth the money.  Ours has an ottoman that glides with it as well.  We ordered this one through target.com and it has held up really well.

The pillow on the glider was sent from my mom.  As I'm sure you know by now, she's always making special, handmade things for the kids.  She made this pillow and matching quilt for baby boy's nursery.  She named the quilt "Oceans of Love". 

Here are some more pictures of the "Oceans of Love" pillow and quilt made by Grandma Jane......

I love that my mom puts a label on every quilt.  The beautiful thing about quilting is that these things can be cherished forever; therefore, a label with a date makes this a true family heirloom that can be passed down.

My mom was inspired by a quilt she had seen on "Moda Bake Shop" but she adapted it to make it her own.  I think I need to get Grandma Jane on the blog to do some quilting tutorials, what do you think?  Don't know if she'd ever do it, but you never know.....hint, hint.

I added a bunch of different nautical accessories around the room that I really think pull the theme together.  I wanted to do some accessories that were nautical, but not necessarily "baby".

This distressed wooden flag is probably my favorite piece in the room.  It is screwed into the wall above the crib so it is nice a sturdy.

The sailing ships rug was something my in-laws had in their basement that they had never used.  It even still had the tags on it.  It must have been there just waiting for us to have this little guy.

These three pillows won't stay in the bed during our little guy's first year, but we usually keep our newborn in a bassinet in our room for a little while.  So for now, they just look cute in his crib.  The polka dot sheet is from Pottery Barn Kids.

The "Welcome Aboard" steering wheel as to be another favorite of mine in this nursery.

Now this poster does not exactly go along with the "nautical" theme, but it's my husbands favorite childhood book and he really wanted it in the room.  This shelf is right above the changing table.  I think the poster looks nice and the colors match just right!

"Dream" is a word that I hope my children always keep in the forefront of their minds.  I want them to always know that anything is possible if they put their minds to it.  Life is so much more exciting when you have big dreams.  Hopefully this sign will remind our little guy of this always.

I ordered these three art prints from Finny & Zook on Etsy.  I love to support etsy sellers if I can and I fell in love with this shop when I found them through my etsy search.  They offer many, many different prints and you can choose any color you would like to match your room or nursery.  There are many different images from A through Z as well as alphabet signs and different sayings.  

I purchased these prints and then found photo mats and frames at my local Michael's craft store.  All three prints are next to the large mirror on top of the dresser (didn't get any good pictures of the dresser).

Our little baby boy should be here soon and we can't wait to meet him!  
I hope he loves his room........I think he will, don't you?

Friday, August 26, 2011

Modern Master Bedroom Ideas

Modern Master Bedroom Ideas
Modern Master Bedroom Ideas

Ellie Inspired Pattern Review AND Giveaway

Today I am reviewing one of my fabulous blog sponsors, Ellie Inspired's, new knit sewing pattern called "Serenade".  I was really excited to give this pattern a try because I have very little time to sew with knits, but I love making knit clothing for my girls for everyday wear.

 Here's what I thought of the "Serenade" sewing pattern..........

This pattern was "fabulous"!  I've only sewn from a couple knit patterns in the past and this one far exceeded my expectations.  Yes, it is a totally adorable look........but my favorite part has to be all the wonderful information that is given about sewing with knits, the different types of knits, what needles to use with knits.  The pattern can be done completely on a sewing machine, but it also gives instructions for using a serger as well.

For some reason sewing with knits brings out my slightly funky side (and I mean slightly).  I'm a classic girl at heart, but there's just something so fun about using knits.  I had several knits in my stash from Patty Young's line for Michael Miller fabrics.  For children's clothing, I love using 100% cotton interlock - I think it has a nice, thick feeling and is very durable.  When I'm sewing for myself, I tend to gravitate towards something with a little more stretch, like a jersey knit.

I can't ever stick to a pattern exactly, so I changed up a few things to make it my own.  
Here's my version of the "Serenade" E-Pattern:

So, as you can see, not my typical style, but I think it turned out pretty cute.  My daughter, Savannah, and I found this Gymboree shirt for 50 cents, but it was way to large for her little size 4T body.  I used the pattern and cut the shirt down to size.  I also made the sleeves long since we will be entering fall here in the windy city.  The dress calls for three tiers of ruffles, but I left the bottom tier off so that she could have cute black leggings poking out underneath.

I also added a ribbon around the waist for fun.  I like how the black and white polka dots tie in with the shirt.  I wish I could have had my little lady model this one, but she wasn't in the mood and I wasn't in the mood for a battle, so my dress form will have to do.  I am envisioning her black patent leather quilted ballet flats with this as well.  Very fun and chic.

Sewing with knits is so much fun!  If you've never tried it, you must - don't be scared.  With Ellie Inspired's pattern you have nothing to fear.  She gives you all of the instruction and advice you would need to get sewing with knits.

Today Ellie Inspired is giving away TWO patterns to The Cottage Home blog readers.  
Both are her new knit patterns:

Size 1-5

Size 1-5

Both of these patterns are perfect for back-to-school.  Cute and casual!

To enter to win the Ellie Inspired pattern giveaway do one or all of the following (please leave a separate comment for each entry):

1.  Visit Ellie Inspired and let us know what is your favorite pattern.
2.  Become a fan of Ellie Inspired on Facebook and let her know that The Cottage Mama sent you (click HERE to do so).
3.  Follow Ellie Inspired's blog (click HERE to do so).

Giveaway will be open through Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at Midnight (CST).  
Open to US and International readers.

Ellie Inspired is running a back-to-school sale through Midnight tonight - Buy One, Get One Half Off.
Come check out the patterns HERE!